"The Data Register Empty (UDREn) Flag indicates whether the transmit buffer is ready to receive
new data. This bit is set when the transmit buffer is empty, and cleared when the transmit buffer
contains data to be transmitted that has not yet been moved into the Shift Register. For compatibility with future devices, always write this bit to zero when writing the
UCSRnA Register.
When the Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable (UDRIEn) bit in UCSRnB is written to one, the USART Data Register Empty Interrupt will be executed as long as UDREn is set (provided thatn global interrupts are enabled). UDREn is cleared by writing UDRn. When interrupt-driven data transmission is used, the Data Register Empty interrupt routine must either write new data to UDRn in order to clear UDREn or disable the Data Register Empty interrupt, otherwise a new interrupt will occur once the interrupt routine terminates."